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· 2 min read
Hasan Gural

In our last article, we tried to understand Azure Resource Graph queries and use them for particular example scenarios. This part of our article series will cover Secure Score information on subscription levels. There are many different ways to accomplish this aim, but the easiest way to do this is by creating queries with Resource Graph.

Secure Secure information on Subscription level

You can find Secure Score details under the Later on, you can get the information that you wanted as a table with every property.

· 3 min read
Hasan Gural

In the first part of our article series, we tried to understand the Azure Resource Graph service. Now with executing sample queries, let's try to detail and implement them. For example, let's suppose that we have a scenario like this: an organization with up to 500~ Azure Subscriptions that one person manages. And this person has to list all of the storage accounts.

We mentioned plenty of different ways to complete the scenario above before. If you wish, you can access this information from Azure Portal or use the Get-AzStorageAccount cmdlet on PowerShell by visiting every subscription. Of course, there is an easier way, and it is using Azure Resource Graph Query. Let's try this to get information in a more accessible way.

· 3 min read
Hasan Gural

With this article, we will start an article series that will cover Azure Resource Graph and the particular features that make it different. You might never used or you might have never heard Azure Resource Graph before, but you will have a grasp of it with this article series. In this series, we will try to create and improve solutions that needed for real scenarios. Now without getting into detail, let's jump into our article.

What is Azure Resource Graph?

We can define Azure Resource Graph as an Azure service extension of Azure Resource Manager for absolute beginners. To answer what it provides and why we should use it, we need to look at the examples like the actions that we can execute in subscriptions in our organization by using Azure Resource Graph. These examples are:

· 6 min read
Hasan Gural

There are few points that I would like to address in our second article. We will cover all the configuration of Azure Front Door service. This article will be about how we can deploy Front Door service with Terraform in the most optimum way and how we can use this service more dynamically for multiple endpoint declarations. Before jumping into the article, going over the Front Door's logic and its elements might be beneficial. These elements can be listed as:

  • Front Endpoints
  • Binding SSL Certificate from KeyVault/Front Door Managed
  • Backend Pools
  • Routing Rules (https/http)
  • Web Application Firewall Policy - Managed/Custom Rules

· 4 min read
Hasan Gural

We can use Infrastructure as a Code for many distinct purposes. In this article series, we will try to understand how Terraform and Azure FrontDoor provisioning work together and make an end-to-end FrontDoor deployment. You may come across articles that compare FrontDoor and Application Gateway on this blog. FrontDoor is a successful, secure, and convenient load-balancing solution that works on Layer-7 created by Microsoft Azure. It is also used together with Microsoft services such as "Bing, Office 365, Xbox Live, MSN, LinkedIn ve Azure DevOps," and it is indeed incredible to have this infrastructure.

· 4 min read
Hasan Gural

In the last article of our series, we will try to access the endpoint of Pipelines, and we will list pipelines expressions of all projects.

First of all, we need to look at the list of endpoint types down below.

Operation types for Pipelines

Operation NameOperation Detail
CreateCreate a pipeline.
GetGets a pipeline, optionally at the specified version
ListGet a list of pipelines

· 4 min read
Hasan Gural

In our previous article, we did some pre-coding to access Azure DevOps REST API. We got all the projects of a DevOps Organization as a list by executing an elementary request. Now, we should enlarge our knowledge with further examples.

Let's do an example where we try to access all the repositories as a list in an Azure DevOps Project. This is how the repository list looks from the interface of the AzDo.

· 4 min read
Hasan Gural

In this article series, we will focus on how and why Azure DevOps API can be usable with Powershell with emphasizing critical details in the latter parts. Before heading to the article, it is vital to notice that this article series requires a solid understanding of REST API. With the REST API's page down below, you can access all the endpoints and create requests with necessary methods such as GET, POST, PATCH

AzDo Rest API Documentation

· 2 min read
Hasan Gural

Serinin ilk bölümünde temel gereksinimlerimizi ve Bicep kullanımının avantajları/getirdikleri hakkında konuştuk. Şimdi biraz daha detaya ineceğiz ve Azure Resource Manager Şablonu ile Bicep arasında değişken, kaynak, parameter tanımlama gibi konulara bakacağız. İlk örnek olarak parameter tanımlamanın farklılıklarından bahsetmek istiyorum. Azure Resource Manager şablonlarında parametrelerimiz çok önemli bir kriterdir. Parameterlere bazen environment tipini ( dev/test/prod) bununla beraber isim standardlarını oluşturabiliyor. Tabi bunun dışında farklı paramterlerde kullanabiliyoruz, özetle dağıtılacak olacak her servise göre değişebiliyor.

· 4 min read
Hasan Gural

Bu yazı serisi içerisinde temel hedefliğimiz nokta, Microsoft’un neden Project Bicep geliştirmeye doğru adım attığını olacak, bununla beraber Bicep ile Azure Resource Manager Şablonlarının temel farklılıklarını konuşarak dağıtımlar yapmaya çalışacağız. Öncelikle Project Bicep nedir ve bunun altında yatan hikayesi nedir bunu anlayamaya çalışalım.