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Powershell ile Azure Storage Account Yönetimi

· 3 min read

Powershell ile yazmış olduğum Azure üzerinde storage account oluşturmanızı sağlayan fonksiyon aşağıdaki gibidir. Azure hesabınıza bağlandıktan sonra ilgili fonksiyonu kullanabilirsiniz.


Function New-StorageAccountMenu { <# .Synopsis Create Storage Account with Powershell function .EXAMPLE New-StorageAccountMenu
#> Write-Host " " Write-Host "Building Azure Storage Account" -ForegroundColor Green #Ask to input the Azure datacenter to use: do{ Write-Host "" Write-Host "[1] West Europe" Write-Host "[2] North Europe" Write-Host "[3] East US 2" Write-Host "[4] East US" Write-Host "[5] Central US" Write-Host "[6] South Central US" Write-Host "[7] West US" Write-Host "[8] Southeast Asia" Write-Host "[9] East Asia" Write-Host "[10] Japan West" Write-Host -NoNewline "Enter the number (1 - 10) of the datacenter location to use: " -ForegroundColor Magenta; [int]$locationnumber=read-host If ($locationnumber -lt 1 -or $locationnumber -gt 10 ) { Write-Host "You did not enter a (1-10) digit number - please check your number" -ForegroundColor Red }}while($locationnumber -lt 1 -or $locationnumber -gt 10) Switch ($locationnumber) { 1{ $location = "West Europe" } 2{ $location = "North Europe" } 3{ $location = "East US 2" } 4{ $location = "East US" } 5{ $location = "Central US" } 6{ $location = "South Central US" } 7{ $location = "West US" } 8{ $location = "Southeast Asia" } 9{ $location = "East Asia" } 10{ $location = "Japan West" } default {$location = "West US" } } Write-Host "" Write-Host "Your datacenter location is: " $location -ForegroundColor Green Do { Write-Host "" Write-Host -NoNewline "What is the first 6 character of your CompanyName (e.g. Adatum): " -ForegroundColor Magenta; $lcnumber=read-host If ($lcnumber.Length -ne 6) { Write-Host "You did not enter 6 character of your CompanyName " -ForegroundColor Red } } While ($lcnumber.Length -ne 6) #Make sure enters a 6 Company char Do { Write-Host "" Write-Host -NoNewline "What is your 2 digit suffix number, including any leading zero (e.g. 09): " -ForegroundColor Magenta; $stnumber=read-host If ($stnumber.Length -ne 2) { Write-Host "You did not enter 2 digit suffix - please check your suffix number" -ForegroundColor Red } } While ($stnumber.Length -ne 2) #Make sure suffix enters a 2 digit number $fullsuffix = $lcnumber + $stnumber Write-Host " " Write-Host "Your unique suffix is: " $fullsuffix -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host " " Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 try{ New-AzureStorageAccount -StorageAccountName $fullsuffix.ToLower() -Location $location | Out-Null
Write-Host " " Write-Host "Storage Account has been created" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host " " Write-Host "Storage Account name:$fullsuffix" -ForegroundColor Green } catch{ Write-Host "Storage Account couldn't create" } }