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2 posts tagged with "KQL"

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· 6 min read
Hasan Gural

Hello Folks, Welcome back to the second part of our journey to transition from the Log Analytics agents to the Azure Monitor Agent (AMA). In the first part, we learned how to find and check the monitoring agents using KQL. In this part, we'll continue our journey by identifying the agents that have reported to the Log Analytics Workspace and then extend our query to include all virtual machines within your subscription or tenant.

Last time, we discovered which virtual machines were running the old MMA or OMS agents. This time, we're refining our search to quickly determine whether a machine uses MMA or the updated AMA.

· 5 min read
Hasan Gural

Hello Folks, We're going to look closely at Azure's monitoring tools, focusing on moving from the Log Analytics agents to Azure Monitor Agent (AMA). This is the first step in our journey. We'll learn how to find and check the monitoring agents using KQL to help us identify the agents we need to migrate.

As Microsoft announced the retirement of the Log Analytics agent on August 31, 2024, it's imperative to gear up for what lies ahead. Post-retirement, utilizing the MMA or OMS agent could lead to certain expectations and operational shifts that we need to be prepared for.

🕐 The Clock is Ticking for MMA and OMS

Why focus on this transition, you might wonder? Moving from MMA (Microsoft Monitoring Agent) and OMS (Operations Management Suite) to AMA isn't just about staying current with Azure's offerings. It's about tapping into improved security, efficiency, and the fresh features that AMA offers. Microsoft's decision to retire MMA and OMS is a strategic step towards enhancing and simplifying the monitoring experience for infrastructure.