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· 3 min read
Hasan Gural

Bu yazı serisine başlamadan önce Azure Resource Manager Template Deployment modelini neden ve niçin kullanıldığını çok iyi anlamamız lazım. Bu yüzden blog üzerinde bunun anlatan yazıları yazmıştım, fakat kısa bir hatırlatma yapmak için kısaca tekar üzerinden geçmek istiyorum. Azure Resource Manager'ın Template Deployment özelliği bize sağladığı en büyük özellik, Infrastructure as code kültürüne ayak uydurmamız ve Azure üzerinde hizmet veren kaynakları devamlı kontrol altında tutup, incremental şekilde değişiklik yapmamıza olanak sağlamaktadır. Çok fazla organizasyon Azure Resource Manager – Template Deployment modeline mevcut ortamlarının template geliştirerek deployment süreçlerini CI/CD içerisine dahil etmektedirler, özetle bu bize JSON formatında sunulan ve Azure üzerinde tüm kaynaklarınızın detaylarını bu template içerisine belirterek çok hızlı bir şekilde deploy edip, aynı şekilde değişen bir şey var mı yok mu diye kontrol altına alabiliyorsunuz, biraz daha farklı bir süreçten örnek vermek gerekirse, DEV/TEST ortamların çoğu Resource Manager Template modeline yazılmış ve deploy edilmeye hazır halde bekliyor. Bu template geliştirmenin bir çok yöntemi var, JSON formatında olan bu dağıtım modeli, Visual Studio Code ve Visual Studio aracılığı ile kolayca geliştirilebilir durumdadır. Dilerseniz Mevcut kaynaklarınızın template detaylarını Azure Portal üzerinden export etme şansınıza sahipsiniz, biraz fikir vermesi için aşağıdaki kısa görüntü size açıklayacaklar.

Yukarıda resimde görüldüğü gibi, Azure Resource Manager Template ulaşmanın birkaç yolunu göstermeye çalıştım. Bu iki yöntem ile ve birkaç kaynak ile JSON Template ( Azure Resource Manager Deployment ) nasıl olduğu hakkında birkaç fikriniz olacaktır. Fakat bu konu oldukça derin ve çok büyük kurumlarda bu tarz süreçler, CI/CD kadar bağlanıp Jenkis, Azure DevOps ( VSTS) üzerinden yönetelir hale geldiler, konu sadece JSON Template yazıp onu deploy etmek değil, yazılan template içerisinde gelebilecek parametreler, variable ve function gibi detaylar var. Bunların kontrolünüde Pester adında başka bir open-source araç ile kontrol ediyoruz ki bu çok başka bir konu, başka yazımızda değinmeye çalışırız.

Esas konumuza gelecek olursa, belirli bir süredir Microsoft feedback sayfasında gördüğüm ve gerçekten çok mantıklı ve benim bile hergün kullanmama rağmen aklıma gelmeyen "zihni-sinir" başlıklar yer almakta, eğer teknolojiyi yakın takip ediyorsanız orada yazılan feedbackler gerçekten harika, sizde bir not bırakın derim. Bir süredir, JSON Template okuması zorlayıcı olması, çok fazla süslü parantezler iç içe girmesi bir kısımdan sonra çileye dönüşüyor, çok uzu deployment süreçlerinden bahsediyorum. Ansible kullanan biri olarak YAML formatı gerçekten daha okunaklı ve daha göze yakın duruyor, JSON severler olmaz öyle şey diyebilirler, fakat YAML formatını kullanarak Azure Resource Manager Deployment yapabilsek çokta güzel olmaz mıydı diye düşünürken bir open-source araç keşfetmem ile güzel bir ışık yandı zihnimde.

Özetle, "YAML CLI" adında open-source olan harika tool sayesinde YAML formatında geliştirilen Azure Resource Manager templatelerini nasıl JSON convert edebileceğimizi göreceğiz bu yazı serimizde. Microsoft bunu ne zaman offical olarak destekler/desteklemez bilemiyorum fakat görünüz açısından gözünüzün alışacağından eminim. JSON ile geliştirilen template ile hiçbir farkı olmayıp sadece süslü parantezlerden kurtulduğunuzu hayal edin, yukarıdaki resimde içerisinde zaten anlaşılır ama kompleks deployment modellerinden içinden çıkılmayan bir hal alıyor malasef, evet intellisense diye bir şey var kabul ediyorum fakat YAML ile geliştirmek çok daha kolaylık sağlayacak.

YAML-CLI Github üzerinden erişebileceğiniz ve kullanımı çok kolay bir araçtır. Aşağıda detaylarını görebilirsiniz, yazımızın devamında bu aracı nasıl kullanacağımıza değineceğim.

· One min read
Hasan Gural

For those who seek success even in a little rhythm,

In my personal career life, the only thing that I have cared for was dedication to have continuous achievement in future. Thankfully, I have gotten lots of chances to be awarded in many times but especially today I have acquired Most Valuable Professional award for the second time.

"Success" has always a different definition for me than in dictionaries. It is more extensive and particular than crossing the limits, actualizing expectations or even being awarded. To be successful, this word should appeal to you in a more productive and unique way for past, now and future.

I believe that confidence and passion are the key words for human to achieve their desire in life. Thus, this explains why hard obstacles that we face are not unbroken. I own my progress in this industry to my ambition and will in my notions and aims. But also, achievement enlarges in a good partnership and emphatic co-worker relationship. That’s why I thank warmly to MShowto Technical Community and PeakUp for their support.

World still sings different success stories for seekers.

· 9 min read
Hasan Gural

To make a comprehensive expression for Office 365 Groups' structure, we need to understand what does it comprise also why should it be used by customers. In this article, you will read the description of Office 365 groups step by step. Before starting, we can look over the answer of Christophe Fiessinger, Microsoft Office 365 program manager, to the question "What are the Office 365 Groups ? "

There were a lot of small obstacle in the past. These were creating many delays in the running a project process. Now with Office 365 Groups, we are observing that Office 365 Groups are meeting our user's needs. Because there's no one size that fits all, whether it's managing a project, running a team, a community of interests, or community of practice, we want to delight the users and make people's lives easier.


Office 365 groups are working with Office 365 tools so that it helps you to collaborate with your colleagues for writing or editing documents, scheduling meeting dates, working on projects and sending emails. When an Office 365 group is created, hidden processes in the background will automatically create a workspace for group which that shared workspace is a way to use every each product on team based projects. Groups in Office 365, you can choose whoever you wish to collaborate with, besides it easily creates a collection of resources for those people you want to work together. The general resources such as a shared Outlook inbox, shared calendar or a document library for collaborating on files. Office 365 is providing a shared workspace for emails, conversations, files, calendar events. While you are sending messages in the shared Outlook inbox, all conversations will be stored. There is a dedicated calendar to set dates and a dedicated OneDrive for business storage, which is available for group files or documents


With Office 365, Microsoft follows an approach which based on users. That means there will be a convenience for users to create their own groups. Especially, this convenience will give a permission to administrators for managing some of the group capabilities.

To sum up the difference between private and public office 365 groups extensively, a public group is open to everyone, but a private group has a more individual structure. For instance; if you are in a public group you will be able to visit it, read the content and check out the conversations on the group's page. Also, it is providing a membership to you whenever you want. You can subscribe the group to get mail notifications about group discussions. But on the other hand, as we can understand, a private group is exclusive which is only available for its members. There is a security for its content and conversations, if you are not a member of that private group that means you will be not able to view these informations. A private Office 365 group, without any doubts, will be a good choice for people who have an interest in security or privacy. For being a member of a private group, you must obtain an approval from the group administrator. Also private or public groups can receive emails. Mind you, your group type will be a permanent choice which that means you cannot change the type of your group.

Office 365 groups have several limitations about group members and owners:

• Maximum number of owner in a group is 10 • There can be 250 groups of a user • Office 365 doesn't have a number limitation of members, but there might be a problem about performance limits.

The components of Office 365 groups

Office 365 groups are based on user. That means the users in your organization will be able to create and join. They can even remove themselves from Office 365 groups. This is acceptable for Office 365 groups' creations too. The users can create groups directly from Outlook but also there is a chance to create groups via Microsoft Edge in Office 365. If you want to create Office 365 Groups, you can use other tools Outlook on the web, Outlook Mobile, SharePoint, Planner, Teams and more. Which tool you choose to start from depends on what kind of group you're working with.

While you are creating an Office 365 group, a few things are happening in the background:

• Creation of Azure Directory User is completed. • Creation of a Mailbox is completed. • Creation of an OneDrive for Business page is completed. • Creation of an OneNote Notebook is completed.

The components of The Office 365 groups are a file store and a mailbox store. It can take a long time to create the groups. The reason of that is Office 365 groups have several components. Also groups have interaction with every Office 365 services for instance Outlook, SharePoint, Yammer, Delve and Planner.

How can we create and configure Office 365 groups?

During the groups are based on users, users and administrators will be able to create the groups. Assume that you are a global administrator then you can create groups in Office 365 admin center and there is no necessity to be a member of that Office 365 group for it.

The path that you should follow to create Office 365 group in Office 365 admin center:

• You need to sign in as a global administrator • Visit the Office 365 admin center by using the app launcher • In the left navigation pane, select Groups and then click Groups. • Click Add a group

On the right pane, you have four options for group type: Office 365 group, Distribution list or Security group. Select Office 365 group.

Review the Office 365 options. Type a name, an email address, and a description. Select if the group will be public or private, and then select the language.

• Select the group owner. The group owners are the ones who can manage the group. • Select if group members are subscribed to the group or not subscribed. • Click Add.

Please take a note: If group members are subscribed to your group, they receive all messages and calendar items in their inbox. Perhaps They need some update their Outlook.

How can we edit and configure Office 365 groups?

  1. Sign in to as your company global administrator. 2. Go to the Office 365 admin center by using the app launcher 3. Select Groups in the left navigation pane) 4. Click the group. ( Which groups want to change ) 5. Select one of the options below: Edit Members and Owners. By using this option, you can add and remove members from a group, select a new group owner, or change the status of the group admin. Delete Group. If you do not need the group anymore, delete it. The group, its email conversations, calendar, and documents stored in OneDrive for Business storage will be deleted along with the group. This action cannot be undone.

Please take a note:

Edit Details Action: Sometimes it is necessary to change or update the name of your Office 365 group. This name appears in the address book, on the To: line in the email, as the name of the group. A group description helps your users when they want to decide which groups ours.

What are the ways to experience Office 365 groups?

Conversations and email: • Users can access group conversations either through Outlook or the Outlook Web App Group calendar: • Every member of the group automatically sees meeting invites and other events Files, sharing, and SharePoint document library • A group's SharePoint document library page is the primary place for group files Subscribing to a group: • Subscribing is not enabled by default. Each user can decide to subscribe or not subscribe to a group

Note: If group members are subscribed to a group, they receive all messages and calendar items in their inbox.

During the Office 365 groups are enabled in your hirer, users can access Office 365 groups in all Office 365 services. In their Outlook Web App and OneDrive for Business, Office 365 groups are accessible for users. By the way, Office 365 Planner contains the Office 365 groups and there is a chance to see them in the Outlook 2016 client. Currently, we can say that Office 365 groups are open and discoverable by default. Users can explore the groups with controlling memberships, viewing conservations and files. And then if there are anything interests users, they can join the groups and start attending as a member in groups.

Communication of an Office 365 Group

There are very few more important things than communication to consider for groups. As we have talked about, there is a mailbox for every each group and Outlook or the Outlook Web App is providing accessibility for group conversations to every each user. There are privacy and protection for group conversations. Thus, Office 365 warranting that new member can present and introduce themselves to group content quickly. You can view conversations by their date and also you can share your acclaim for group conversations with your 'like'.

Furthermore, you have the ability to send an email by adding the group name to the To: section of your email. With this, you can send it. If you don't have an Office 365 license or an email address which contains Office 365 hirer, there isn't a chance to be a member of a group as an external user. But you are always able to send emails to a group as an external user for sure.

General Features of Common Calendar

So since every group has a special and dedicated calendar, every member of the groups can automatically see meeting invites and other events. All group calendars can be viewed in Outlook Web App and Outlook. The events that you have created in the group calendar will be added and auto-synchronized with your private calendar. Every group contains its own document libraries within SharePoint team site. We can think the document library of a group as the primary place for group files. Also to add your folders, custom scripts on personal sites feature must be disabled.

Be a Subscriber to a Group

You can be a member of any group and to subscribe it. With subscribing a group, conversations or events of the group will be sent to your inbox. You can join the group conversations with your answers without using any other things. Subscribing is not enabled in normal circumstances. This is users' decision to subscribe to a group or not. Thereby, you can join the groups which most related to you.

· 3 min read
Hasan Gural

Nowadays, I'm greatly passing the time with Visual Studio Code. I'm a huge fan of Visual Studio code. As you know, Azure Cloud Shell was published a years ago by Microsoft. When the Azure Cloud Shell announced a years ago, I had given a webcast. You can watch that webcast on this link. Azure Cloud Shell has been giving a chance to managing your Azure Resources on web-based support shell. It is supporting Bash and Powershell. In this context, you will be able to manage your resource web-based and you do not need to configure PowerShell module and version. In this article, I'm going to share with you useful feature which is Azure Cloud Shell on Visual Studio Code.

As you are developer, you might be using Visual Studio code. Visual Studio Code has an extension features. You will be able to find new features on Market Place for Visual Studio code. This useful feature can give a chance to us accessing Azure Cloud Shell from Visual Studio Code. The Extension name is Azure Account that has a lot of commands like "Azure: Open Bash in Cloud Shell", "Azure: Open PowerShell in Cloud Shell".

Firstlly, Open Visual Studio Code and Click Extension Tab. Write to search area "Azure Account" and click install button. It will take a few minutes for installation. If you have installed this extension, you will be able to use that feature in Visual Studio Code. Now, you should open Access the Command Panel (Shift-Ctrl-P or click View in the toolbar). After that, you will see to search area like below picture.

You should have to decided, Which one is do you want to access? You could access Bash and Azure Cloud Shell. But if you want to access bash, you must install bash for windows. (If you are using Windows 10.) I will show you "Open Powershell in Cloud Shell."

I have clicked to "Open Powershell in Cloud Shell." As you can see, The Visual Studio Code wants from me, Authentication for using Cloud Shell.You should complete authentication process. After you have completed that process, you could see authentication detail in the bottom bar of Visual Studio Code.

I did complete my authentication process. Now, I could see detail in the bottom bar of Visual Studio Code. After, I have clicked "Access the Command Panel (Shift-Ctrl-P or click View in the toolbar)." Then select to "Azure:Open Powershell in Cloud Shell". At the end, we have accessed to our subscription for Azure Cloud Shell within Visual Studio Code. If you are interested in more features, you can use ""Access the Command Panel" with starting this prefix : "Azure".

· 5 min read
Hasan Gural

These days, Lots of people want to use Terraform which is from Hashi Corp. In this article, I'm going to be writing about Terraform and Azure. The Terraform is an open source software. As a tool for building, changing, versioning infrastructure. Terraform within configuration files I can explain to Terraform the components need to run, I could say single application or multiple application. As you know, when you heard Terraform, you suppose it which was working with only Cloud Provider. However, Terraform works with Cloud Providers such as Amazon, Cloudfare DigitalOcean, or Azure etc. also works with On-Premises resources like Vmware. The Main idea is Infrastructure as Code.

Terraform manages different type of components. The components can be low-level or high-level resources. I can give an example of components. As Low-Level Resource "Storage, Network" or As High-Level Resource like "DNS Enter record or change rule on Load Balancer". Moreover, we know all that, we have used different types of tool to deploy resource on Azure. I mean, we have used Azure Resource Manager in the typical case or use Azure Portal or Azure Software Development Kit or maybe REST API something like that. We know, if you've used Amazon Web Services, Amazon Web Services do same. Therefore, DevOps Engineer loves using YAML or JSON so the Problem space is here. The Terraform which is starting to solve this problem has magic tricks. The tool is doing create a common structure or well-known format. That allow developers or DevOps Engineer for get used to the same format. DevOps Engineer will have described their resources and they will use their code on Azure or Azure. Conclusion, it allows people to develop, manage their infrastructure as code. It's enthusing. Briefing for Terraform has completely written in GO.

Firstly, we have need to setup Terraform access to your Azure Services. We have used the shared account in this demonstration. I will demonstrate in Azure CLI.

#Firstly, login to the Azure CLI using:

az login

The Subscription which will be going to demonstration.

az account set --subscription="3b40246b-ffa0-43df-a51e-0c2317b4afc3"

Next, create separate credentials for Terraform.

az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/3b40246b-ffa0-43df-a51e-0c2317b4afc3"

Now you see your AppId, DisplayName, Password, tenant.

Now, I have created Azure Service Principal for managing our Azure Resource with Terraform. The Service Principal will have used by Terraform. After, We are going to use our Service Principal Account because we need to authenticate within Service Principal Account. We have to use those lines for authenticating in Visual Studio Code. The previous picture as you can see our Service Principal Details like AppId, DisplayName, Name, Password. You have learned details in the previous picture our Service Principal Details like App Id, DisplayName, Name, Password. Now, I'm going to authenticate with them.

Now, We are ready to use Terraform. Almost we are done. Let's learn to Terraform. Do not forget, I have created a project in the Visual Studio Code, therefore, I have installed the necessary extension and client application on my computer. I will be trying to create a few resources within Terraform. When I wrote this article, I was using Visual Studio code. If you are interested in this editor, you should be able to check my personal blog. You can check this heading on the web site. "How to use Visual Studio Code".

I have written a few lines in Visual Studio Code before I'm calling Terraform Application for Azure CLI. It is not a complicated process. You must write "Terraform init" for initializing this application. After All, I have called Terraform. Let's see.

Now, I think, We are good to go. I'm going to show you our Terraform structure. As you know, It has a common structure and quite easily. You could see our Terraform structure below.

Now we can push to our code into the Terraform client application. As you can see top of the code block, I have indicated provider to "Azurerm". If you want to change it for your provider, you can have a look this website. I deployed that code block into the Terraform with parameter. The "Apply" parameter will deploy your defined-code on Azure.

provider "azurerm" {

If you want to add your Azure Service Pricipal Account details, you can manifest here.

As you know I did add before.


Create a resource group

Create a resource group

resource "azurerm_resource_group" "network" { name = "terraform-RG" location = "West US" }

Create a virtual network within the resource group

resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "network" { name = "terraform-vNET" address_space = [""] location = "${}" resource_group_name = "${}"

subnet { name = "terraForm-VNET" address_prefix = "" } }

Conclusion, It was successfully when we had deployed our resources on Azure Portal. The best ways for Terraform, DevOps Engineer does not need to focus which one is the best YAML or JSON. I hope so, they will have focused their business.


· 3 min read
Hasan Gural

I did post one years ago "Azure Server Management Tools". The Post explained "How to use Azure Server Management" and it also has three different part. But, I'm willing to give you details for Windows Admin Center. Actually, Microsoft has announced this product "Project Honolulu". But İt has changed to "Windows Admin Center". I'm keen to work with this product because it's working with agentless. Indeed, Windows Admin Center is browser based management your Windows Servers without Azure or Cloud dependency. Also, Windows admin center is the future of remote server management designed to modernize and simplify the IT administrator experience. if you want to perform a management task on a machine there are almost twenty different tools. Perhaps we've consolidated all these tools into a single machine. Maybe we called it "Admin Management Server". We have almost deployed all tools

Windows admin Center think of it as the evolution of traditional inbox management tools like MMC it's great for administrators that need a lightweight management solution for smaller scale deployments or ad hoc management for large scale deployments.

How does Windows Admin Center Work?

Basically, IT Administrator runs in a Web Browsers and manages only these type of VMs.

  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows 10

Also, The Windows Admin Centers has particularly roles. These are called to "Web Server" and "Gateway". You can install Windows Admin Center to Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10. As a matter of fact, It is quite beautiful to have a chance to install Windows 10. According to me if you are planning install that services, you should try to Windows Server 2016. I'm going to explain roles.

Gateway : The gateway administers servers by using Remote PowerShell and WMI over Windows Remote Management. Also, The gateway is included with Windows Admin Center in setup package.

Web Server : I could say, The Web Server is included same package with Gateway. In other words, Windows Admin Center in a single basic "msi" package that you can download it.

Let's have a look that picture.

Windows Admin Center defines your management environment

Integration existing solutions, The Admin Center works with Microsoft products like System Center and Azure Operation Management Suite. It gives you "Manage your Infrastructure Single Management Console". In the other hand, Windows Admin Center contains many of the familiar tools you currently use to manage Windows Servers and clients so you don't need lost your time for adaption. In Fact, it is installed easy and you will use familiar functionality to manage your servers like "Microsoft Management Console – MMC". However, if you are implementing your firewall and DNS server, you will be able to access your Windows Admin Center on the Internet. Windows Admin Center has a lot of points of integration with Azure services, including Azure Activity Directory, Azure Backup, Azure Site Recovery, and more.

I'm quite excited to huge features Extensibility for Windows Admin Center. Microsoft and 3rd party developers to build tools and solutions beyond the current offerings. Microsoft offers an SDK that enables developers to build their own tools for Windows Admin Center. If you are excited like me, you can look at this page. Windows Admin Center- SDK

Next Article, I will be writing for "Install Windows Admin Center".